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Thursday, June 24, 2010

How to Reiki Charge a Candle

Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to show off my favorite Reiki Charged Candles. I carry them in my e commerse store Troy and Monica's Retail World. Please check them out now! I charge my own homemade Reiki Charged Candles.

I learned this from a friend and its very easy. Since Reiki is a universal life energy, it can be stored in almost anything. Everything is capable of storing Reiki energy, and many Reiki practitioners charge various objects with Reiki energy in order to increase the amount of Reiki they can infuse into their clients during a treatment. Reiki practitioners can also charge such items as candles with Reiki energy in order to provide their loved ones with some Reiki in order to improve their spiritual well being.
Buy or make some regular candles. Making, buying & charging candles in bulk can safe alot of time and money.
It is up to you, if you want to use scented candles or not. I like the scented candles. The aromatherapy seems to at to the Reiki put out by burning the candle.
First wash your hands, then place them in a bowl or large container of water, before touching the candle or candles you are going to charge. Dirty hands and jewelry will interfere with or slow the progress of the transfer of Reiki inside the candle.
Place your hands on the candle as if you are holding a baby. Relax, close your eyes and imagine yourself surrounding yourself with a white light. Begin to feel the energy from within. Will that energy into your candle. It is now time to light the candle and recite a candle blessing.
Crystal journey candles, Magic Fairy Candles and Charge Ritual Pillar Candles comes with affirmations. All three can be found in my store.
Here is an affirmation for Love:
"May love enter my life and fill my heart and soul.
May the magic of love always inspire me
to radiate warmth and caring to all those
who touch my life."
Written By
Monica Ockenfels

1 comment:

  1. I am very interested to learn more and more about Candles in Bulk. Your site is very much helpful to give us latest information on Bulk Candles.
